Sunday, May 19

How to have a good relationship with your money – Divya Parekh

In the early mornings, when the world is still quiet and the first rays of the sun are just beginning to kiss the sky, I often find myself immersed in the tranquil sanctuary of my garden. It’s a place where I can reflect, dream, and cultivate not just plants, but ideas and philosophies that nurture the soul. It was in one of these serene moments that the seeds for the book “The Entrepreneur’s Garden” were sown. The book is dedicated to unraveling and understanding the complex relationships we have in the personal and business world. 

Today, I’ll focus on our relationship with money, especially as women entrepreneurs navigating the intricate paths of the business world.

You see, over the years, I’ve noticed a recurring theme: a considerable number of us women entrepreneurs find ourselves somewhat uncomfortable when it comes to dealing with money. It’s almost as if we’ve been conditioned to view money through a lens of apprehension, as something that is elusive, or perhaps even a necessary evil. But, let me share with you a perspective that has not only transformed my approach to money but has also empowered many others to embrace financial prosperity with grace and confidence.

First and foremost, it’s vital to recognize that money, in itself, is neither good nor bad. It is a tool, a resource that can facilitate opportunities, growth, and stability. The real issue arises from the perceptions and attitudes we harbor towards it. It’s time we shift our focus from the age-old adage that money is the root of all evil, to understanding that it’s our relationship with money that defines its role in our lives.

Building a healthy relationship with money is akin to nurturing a garden. It requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to delve deep and uproot the weeds of fear and misconception that have taken hold over time. Here are a few steps to help you cultivate a flourishing garden of financial well-being:

Step 1: Self-Reflection
Start by taking a moment to reflect on your current beliefs about money. What were the messages you received growing up? How have these shaped your financial decisions and behaviors? It’s essential to identify and acknowledge these underlying beliefs to pave the way for a healthier perspective.

Step 2: Education
Knowledge is power. Equip yourself with the necessary knowledge and understanding of financial principles. Learn about budgeting, investments, and financial planning. The more you understand money, the more empowered you will feel to make informed decisions.

Step 3: Open Dialogue
Encourage open conversations about money with your peers, mentors, and financial advisors. Sharing experiences and insights can provide new perspectives and help alleviate fears and anxieties surrounding money.

Step 4: Mindful Spending
Develop a habit of mindful spending. Before making a purchase, ask yourself if it aligns with your financial goals and values. This simple practice can prevent impulsive buying and promote financial stability.

Step 5: Giving Back
Remember, money also provides an opportunity to give back to the community and make a positive impact. Engaging in philanthropic activities can foster a sense of fulfillment and a positive relationship with money.

As I penned down these insights in “The Entrepreneur’s Garden,” it was with a fervent hope that it would serve as a beacon of empowerment for many women entrepreneurs. A guide to help navigate the often turbulent waters of financial management with grace and confidence.

I challenge you to embark on this journey of transforming your relationship with money. Let us shed the old, limiting beliefs and embrace a perspective that allows us to wield money as a tool for growth, prosperity, and positive change. Remember, it’s not about the money itself, but how we perceive and utilize it that shapes our experiences.

As you turn the pages of “The Entrepreneur’s Garden” if you want to deepen the relationship with money, I hope you find the inspiration and courage to cultivate a garden of financial well-being that is abundant, thriving, and reflective of your true potential. Together, let’s redefine our relationship with money, nurturing it into a source of empowerment and positive influence in our lives.

Divya Parekh
Influence Architect

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