Saturday, May 18

“Attention all Stellar Women, 2023 is Your Year to Shine!” – Dr. Shanessa Fenner

You live by the life mantra – “We were placed here to do great things and that is what I am going to do by the grace of God.” Why did you choose to live by it?

Being complacent has never been my thing. I don’t believe in leaving any stone unturned. I often think of people who have passed away and there were so many things they wanted to do and never got a chance to do it because of fear, naysayers, insecurities, lack of motivation, or not knowing how to do it.

I don’t want to be one of those individuals. Time does not wait for anyone and the older you get, the faster time goes by. I have always believed that God wants us to abide in his word, do great things, be kind to one another, and help one another. He is the Lily of the Valley and my everything.

You define what someone would call a ‘high achiever’. Do you consider yourself one? Why/ why not?

Yes, I consider myself a high achiever. I believe in being multifaceted which is learning how to do many things in many fields and do them to the best of my ability. I will not be confined to a box. In today’s society, you have to have a back-up plan for the back-up plan. You never know which direction life is going to steer you and I am always prepared and ready.

If asked, how would you describe Dr. Shanessa Fenner.

I would describe Dr. Shanessa Fenner as a strong vocal Black woman, intrepid, no nonsense, ambitious, driven, determined, a classic introvert, wants the very best for the babies at her school, helps others to achieve their goals, has a great relationship with God, not going to put up with anyone or any situation that brings drama, and is Linda’s oldest daughter.

Being a children’s educator and a writer for 16 different magazines and publications, what were you like as a child? What are some of your fondest memories of the time?

I loved my childhood. It was fun and exciting. Some of my fondest memories entail spending time with my grandma and grandpa. My grandmother was the best cook and they would always take me to get french fries. Also, I have fond memories of my mom playing with me and exposing me to different things like choir, tap dance, ballet, sports, and more. My fondest memory of childhood is that I did not have to pay any bills.

What interested you get into this field of work?

Educators run in our family so becoming a teacher was not a surprise. After teaching for a number of years, my assistant principal at the time told me about the North Carolina Principals Fellows Program so I applied and was approved. I graduated and became a middle school assistant principal for four years. Then I became a principal and I have been a principal ever since. I have been principal of four schools. I have formed great relationships with all of my sweet faces at all four schools. Many of them keep in touch and/or let me know that they are in college or pursuing other goals. One of the funniest and most memorable moments that I have is pulling up to a McDonald’s drive thru and one of my babies yells out of the window, “Dr. Fenner, I am in college because you told me that I better go.” I just laughed out loud and said, “Sweetie, congratulations, you are absolutely correct and I will continue to say it until the end of time.”

You have been featured in a number of publications. Why has it been important to you to put yourself and your story out there?

Because I want the story to be told correctly and I want to inspire other women to go for what they want and be proud when they achieve it. There are so many talented women in the world who are making a difference and doing great things. They need to be highlighted and their story needs to be told. As a child raised in a single parent home, I have done the work and will continue to motivate, inspire, and encourage other women on their journey of success. It is an arduous task but it can be done by the grace of God if it is his will.

At your school you founded a girls group called ‘Dr. Fenner’s Young Women of Distinction’. Share the background story of this group.

Yes, Dr. Fenner’s Young Women of Distinction consists of 4th and 5th grade females. We meet monthly to do things such as make vision boards, research colleges, visit colleges, have speakers that teach them about taking care of self, hair tips, etiquette and table manners, financial literacy lessons, projects that give back to others, and we choose a cause to give to whether it is breast cancer, giving back to veterans, or making cards for the elderly in nursing homes. My main objective is to teach my female babies the skills to being independent, strong, knowing who and what they are, and to never settle for less. They have got to first learn how to love self. I share nuggets of wisdom with them. They know that girls are magic and we make the world go round.

You are able to do so many things/ have many talents. Is there a hidden talent you have that so few people know about?

That is a great question. I don’t have any hidden talents. My talents include writer, songwriter, hair and print model, actress, TV show host, former radio personality, licensed bartender, licensed insurance agent, adjunct professor, motivational speaker, and more to come. God is not through with me yet.

It’s the holiday season. What are your plans this year?

I will spend time with my family for Christmas, but I will take some “me” time to do some reflectiion, introspection, and plan my next steps. I will also take plenty of naps, listen to Christmas music, eat several boxes of Little Debbie gingerbread cookies, and enjoy the little things like sleeping late and reading a romance novel.

Do you have any holiday rituals you have kept over the years?

Yes, we always open one gift the night before Santa comes and we still do that. We also eat lots of good food until we get tired of chewing.

What does the holiday season mean to you?

The holiday season means family, food, fellowship and giving thanks to God. He continues to bless me and I thank him daily for keeping me from falling. My favorite holiday is Christmas and I love it. During Christmas break, I love burning my fireplace, watching Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel, listening to Christmas music, and staring at my Christmas tree. As I get older, my focus is peace of mind.

How does how you celebrate it now compare to how you did back then as a child?

We still celebrate the same way, it is just now that I am an adult. One thing that I like to do is purchase one really nice gift for myself, wrap it, put in under the tree, and act like I don’t know what it is when I open it.

If you were to go back in time, what would you tell your 15 year old self?

I would tell my 15-year-old self to get prepared to become an independent woman who is going to take care of self. Learn all that you can and be all that you can be by any means necessary. Protect your heart because some people don’t deserve a front row seat in your life. I would also tell myself to continue to work in silence like I have always done. To whom much is given, much is required.

Who is your ideal Stellar Woman? Why?

My mom is my ideal Stellar woman. She raised my sister and me by herself. She was the first person to show me that you can’t depend on anyone other than yourself. I respect her for teaching me to stand on my own two feet. You can’t depend on man, but you sure can depend on self. She continues to be that strong force of nature that makes sure what needs to be done, gets done. I thank God for her. My ideal celebrity stellar woman would be Oprah Winfrey. She built herself from the ground all the way to the top and did not let anyone stop her from becoming a billionaire. I would love to interview her one day for one of the many publications that I write for.

Please leave a celebration message for Stellar Woman Magazine readers.

Attention all stellar women, 2023 is your year to shine. Be the very best that you can be. Put fear aside and go for it. What God has for you, no man can take it away. Peace, love, and blessings!

Dr. Shanessa Fenner is a principal, writer, TV host, radio personality, and actress. 

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