Sunday, May 19

Tag: Nicky Hassaballa

The 5 Stages of Re-Inventing Yourself – Nicky Hassaballa
Business, Issue One 1

The 5 Stages of Re-Inventing Yourself – Nicky Hassaballa

How many times have you ever said, ‘this year, I will….?’ Yet, that thing you talk about all the time and say you want so badly either never happens, or that initial excitement leads to a false start. We make these promises to ourselves because there is a voice within us, a knowing, that this thing must happen, go away, or change for our overall betterment. It’s not that we don’t want whatever it is that we promised, wished, or prayed for, but for some reason, it keeps eluding us and we are back in the loop of just falling short. Even me writing down these words took me a multitude of attempts to get to putting pen to paper.  I have the vision, the ideas, and maybe even the outline in my mind.  I continuously ask myself why it takes so long to really start?  The sy...
The Emotional Spectrum of the Christmas Season – Nicky Hassaballa
Celebration, Holiday 2023

The Emotional Spectrum of the Christmas Season – Nicky Hassaballa

It felt almost instantaneous that as soon as the calendar read September 23, time transported us to the Holiday Season.  Sure, we all had our Halloween candy and our Thanksgiving turkey dinner, but the holiday most people are enthusiastic about is Christmas.  We are inundated by the optimal gifts, the sweets, the nostalgia of what Santa meant to us as children and the child-like wonder and anticipation for this seemingly magical experience wrapped in ribbon and tinsel.  The t.v. commercials and the radio songs stir up a whirlwind of giddiness, joy, laughter, family and friends, as if to force us into a cheerful mood and strip us of our freedom to choose our emotions, at least up until New Year’s Eve. Whenever this time of year comes around for me, I am reminded of my mother taking m...
Losing Yourself to Discover Your Authentic Self – Nicky Hassaballa
Mind & Body

Losing Yourself to Discover Your Authentic Self – Nicky Hassaballa

Losing yourself is not a spontaneous act or something that is done on a whim.  It is a choice that you consciously make because you feel that you are living your life behind a mask.  Like many of us nearing the mid-point of our lives, I began having thoughts of inadequacy, longing for more love and inner fulfillment, and asking, ‘have I come this far to only come this far?’  The paradox of embarking on the journey of losing myself, was actually to find my true self.  You could also say that it was a forced hand by the Divine to get me out of my comfort zone to fully realize and live my truth and purpose.  I had reached a point where my habits and routines were no longer helping me to grow and expand materially, mentally, or spiritually.  I was stuck as opposed to moving forward by not ...